let about = {
name: 'Allan Raymart C. Paraiso'
age: 24
contact: 09383025631
education: 'Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology 2024 (GWA: 1.43)'
description: 'I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from MSU Iligan Institute of Technology, where I graduated as Magna Cum Laude. I specialize in web development, focusing on PHP, Laravel. My programming experience spans both academic and professional environments, and I have consistently been involved in both front-end and back-end development.'
TechStack: ['HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript', 'Bootstrap5', 'PHP', 'Laravel', 'JQuery', 'Git', 'Postman' ]
};I helped build this project when I was a Junior Web Developer at Pixzel Digital. This resto system has several modules (e.g. Inventory, Staffs, POS, Cashiering, Transactions etc.). My primary responsibility in this project is to collaborate with my Senior Developer, and I implemented several modules and worked on both front-end and back-end development with his guidance.
Tech Stack: PHP, PHP-Laravel 10, JQuery-AJAX, Bootstrap 5, MySQL
LigtasGIS is my capstone project aimed to provide a platform for emergency reporting employing real-time communication between pages, and aligned my development in accordance with the SDLC: Prototype Model.
Tech Stack: PHP Laravel 10, JQuery-AJAX, Bootstrap 5, PusherJS, LeafletJS, OSRM, MySQL
Laundry Cashflow and Management System is a web-based application made with Vanilla PHP for back-end development, HTML, CSS Bootstrap 5, and Javascript for the Front-end, PostgreSQL for the database management, and ChartJS for data visualization. The main features of this system are sales and expenses management module, and employee management module.
Tech Stack: PHP, CSS-Bootstrap5, Javascript, ChartJS, PostgreSQL
This system is a practice system prior to my capstone project, it aims to provide a platform for reporting various disaster incidents utilizing leafletJS for the mapping features, this system also monitors temperature, humidity, and gas outputs using arduino and relevant sensors
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS-Bootstrap5, javascript, Jquery - AJAX, MySQL, Firebase-realtimeDB, leafletJS, Arduino.
The project is a proposed module or sub-system for the MSU-IIT National Multi-Purpose Cooperative. This subsystem is made with PHP - Laravel 10 for the back-end development, HTML, CSS -LTEADMIN, Javascript, and ChartJS for the front-end development, and MySQL for database management.
Tech Stack: PHP Laravel-10, HTML, CSS-Bootstrap5, javascript, MySQL, ChartJS